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For life science research only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. Others LightCycler ResoLight Dye LSR LightCycler® ResoLight Dye 04909640001 LightCycler 480 ResoLight Dye LightCycler 480 ResoLight Dye 04038377025674 Reagents, kits 1 mL 20x conc.1,000 reactions of 20 μL final volume each true LightCycler® ResoLight Dye is a generic dye that binds to double-stranded DNA. It can be used at saturating concentrations to achieve highly homogeneous staining of amplicons and measurement of DNA formation in real-time PCR and DNA double-strand dissociation in melting analysis. The LightCycler® ResoLight Dye shows an enhanced sharpness of fluorescent signals with an excitation and emission wavelength similar to fluorescein. This dye can be detected with most of the available real-time PCR instruments, without inhibiting the PCR enzyme. en LightCycler® ResoLight Dye binds to double-stranded DNA and enables homogeneous measurement of DNA formation in real-time PCR and DNA double-strand dissociation in melting analysis. It is tailored specifically for high-resolution melting analysis for detection of sequence variations by differences in melting curves in mutation scanning or genotyping applications.LightCycler® ResoLight Dye is less inhibitory to DNA polymerase during PCR, and generates a higher fluorescence signal than other commonly used dyes for detection of double-stranded DNA.With excitation and emission wavelengths similar to fluorescein, this dye can be detected with most available real-time PCR instruments. The LightCycler® 480 and LightCycler® 96 Instruments enable identification of sequence variations in high-resolution melting analysis. en
LightCycler® ResoLight Dye
LSRFor life science research only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.