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For general laboratory use. Others MagNA Lyser Green Beads GLU MagNA Lyser Green Beads 03358941001 MagNA Lyser Green Beads MagNA Lyser Green Beads 04038377019673 Reagents, kits 100 tubes prefilled with ceramic beads false The MagNA Lyser Green Beads (tubes prefilled with ceramic beads) are specially designed for use in the MagNA Lyser Instrument to achieve optimal homogenization of various sample materials (e.g., tissue, plant tissue, cells). en The MagNA Lyser Instrument is a benchtop device, that in combination with MagNA Lyser Green Beads and lysis buffers found in either MagNA Pure LC and MagNA Pure Compact isolation kits, automatically disrupts cells or other biological materials. The instrument facilitates the production of a supernatant containing nucleic acids and proteins suitable for subsequent purification, extraction, or analysis. The MagNA Lyser Instrument is to be used exclusively by laboratory professionals trained in laboratory techniques using the instructions provided in the MagNA Lyser Operator's Manual.The principle underlying cell disruption is the fast moving, oscillating reciprocal motion of the MagNA Lyser Instrument Rotor holding sample tubes containing ceramic beads, tissue, and lysis buffers. This rapid disruptive motion provides optimal conditions for homogenizing mammalian tissue, plant tissue, bacterial cells, yeast, or other cellular material. There is no need to use additional lysing enzymes or mechanical grinding tools.Cellular homogenization during a MagNA Lyser Instrument run is caused by the collision of ceramic beads with tissue and cells in the presence of the appropriate lysis buffer. Both the rate of collision and energy of impact determine the effectiveness of the disruption process. Variable instrument speed and run time settings permit the appropriate amount of homogenization required for a specific application. Please refer to the package insert of the specific MagNA Pure LC or MagNA Pure Compact DNA, RNA, and mRNA isolation kits from tissues for recommended MagNA Lyser speed settings and run times. en MagNA Lyser Green Beads are supplied in 2-ml screw-capped tubes, prefilled with 1.4-mm (diameter) ceramic beads. These tubes are specifically designed for use with MagNA Pure LC lysis buffers (for isolating DNA or RNA) and the MagNA Lyser Instrument to quickly and completely homogenize a variety of solid cellular sample materials, such as bacteria, fungi, and animal and plant tissues and cells. en