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For general laboratory use. Others MagNA Pure cfNA Buffer Set GLU MagNA Pure cfNA Buffer Set 07 794 398 001 7 794 398 001 07794398001 7794398001 07794398001 MagNA Pure cfNA Buffer Set MagNA Pure cfNA Buffer Set 07613336103579 Reagents, kits 1 set Set for up to 96 isolations false The product performs lysis under conditions that favor binding of small nucleic acids to silica supports. en Put the challenges of cell-free nucleic acid (cfNA) recovery behind you with the MagNA Pure cfNA Buffer Set, designed to open up more possibilities with circulating cfNA enrichment and purification. This reagent set enables non-invasive studies by helping overcome smaller fragment sizing, protein-rich matrices, and limited abundance. en The MagNA Pure cfNA Buffer Set is a set of reagents intended for general laboratory use to enable the isolation of cell-free nucleic acids (cfNA) from plasma samples. The buffer is compatible with manual or automated nucleic acid extraction methods, such as the MagNA Pure 96 and the MagNA Pure 24 Systems. en