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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. Others S.T.A.R. Buffer RUO S.T.A.R. Buffer 03 335 208 001 3 335 208 001 03335208001 3335208001 03335208001 S.T.A.R. S.T.A.R. Buffer 04038377018942 Reagents, kits 300 mL (3 × 100 mL) up to 60 preparations true S.T.A.R. Buffer (Stool Transport and Recovery Buffer) is designed for the stabilization, transport, and recovery of nucleic acids from stool specimens for subsequent molecular analysis. S.T.A.R. Buffer is fully compatible with manual and automated extraction methods, such as isolation with the MagNA Pure LC Instrument or High Pure Extraction Kits.Use of the S.T.A.R. Buffer supports the reliability and sensitivity of the Nucleic Acid Detection from stool specimens by: Binding of inhibitory substances from stoolInactivation of NucleasesStabilization of Nucleic Acid during transport at room temperatureCompatibility to manual and automated extrac- tion methods (e.g. , HighPure, MagNA Pure LC)Research stool specimens are either analyzed for the presence of microbial specimens (bacteria, fungi, viruses, and parasites), or used for the isolation of genomic DNA (e.g ., detection of tumor cell DNA). However, stool specimens are known to contain a variety of enzyme inhibitors and nucleases that make it difficult to isolate and analyze nucleicacids from this highly vari- able specimen material. Therefore current procedures required that nucleic acids are either isolated directly after specimen collection, or the specimen is stored and shipped frozen. en S.T.A.R. Buffer (Stool Transport and Recovery Buffer) is designed for the stabilization, transport, and recovery of nucleic acids from stool samples for subsequent molecular analysis. The buffer is fully compatible with automated extraction methods, such as isolation with the MagNA Pure 24 or 96 Instruments..To remove or inactivate PCR inhibitors, S.T.A.R. Buffer is added in a ratio of at least 1:3 to samples which are isolated immediately after the sampling procedure. en
S.T.A.R. Buffer
RUOFor Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.